龍頭観音菩薩 Ryuzu Kannon Bosatsu 2023

水墨/ 水彩画用紙/ 180×145cm/ 2023
Indian ink/ Paper/ 180×145cm/ 2023


Client works

OHGUSHI’s fusuma painting “Unryu-zu” achieved a double award of silver and bronze at the international advertising award show ADC’s 102nd Annual Awards, May 2023.
In the style continued from the Unryu-zu, this ink painting depicts the water god who presides over water with the “pure water” itself, which gives blessings to people.
The water is depicted more finely than in Unryu-zu, mainly using an ultra-fine brush with a face brush for the eyes of the dolls.
“Ryutou Kannon Bosatsu” is a bodhisattva who rides on a dragon god that brings good luck and saves people by fulfilling their every wish, and has been believed in since ancient times. It is said that the water gushing from the water jar is inexhaustible, and the overflowing water washes away people’s troubles and brings them hope and blessings.
本作は2023年度N,Y ADC賞にて、銀賞・銅賞の二冠を達成した水神シリーズの2作目となります。



Speaker: OHGUSHI
Moderator: +81 Curator/ Satoru Yamashita








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