SHISEIDO Ever Bloom / Sakura art edition


Client works

NorthernEurope WesternEurope SouthernEurope WesternAsia

OHGUSHI took part in the Main visual and package design project of the limited “Sakura Art Edition” of the Shiseido fragrance “Ever Bloom” marketed by Shiseido Group EMEA. The limited edition was launched in February 2018.

Countries : Europe, Middle East


PR text by SHISEIDO :”On the outer packaging, a delicate flurry of cherry blossom petals, reproduced in ink by the Japanese illustrator and calligraphy artist Ohgushi, offers an oriental escape. The velvety feel of the petals invites the wearer to touch and further experience the fragrance. “

資生堂のフレグランス「Ever Bloom」の限定品「 Sakura art edition」のメインビジュアル、外箱デザインを、フランスに拠点を置くShiseido Franceチームのコンセプトデザインを元に共同製作しました。ヨーロッパ、中東全土で2018年2月より販売開始。

AD: Irem TONGA / Creation Officer EMEA
Pr: Justine PORTRAT / Shiseido Fragrances





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